Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun-good
  2. capit, capt-head,chief,leader
  3. carn(i)-flesh
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess-go yield,surrender
Word List
  1. accession-the act of becoming joined
  2. bona fide-in good faith:genuine
  3. bonanza-a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches
  4. bounteous-plentiful and abundant
  5. capitulation-a final giving up
  6. carnage-a great slaughter
  7. carnivorous-flesh-eating
  8. incarnate-literally, in the flesh
  9. intercede-to act on another's behalf:to meditate
  10. precedent-having gone before
  11. recapitulation-a brief repetition 
  12. reincarnation-a thing that is reborn

  1. Would a congress meeting be an accession?
  2. Some people can't give bona fide apologies. 
  3. Wining the lottery ids a type of bonanza.
  4. Stock brokers have bounteous amounts of money.
  5. When people surrender in war, it is a capitulation.
  6. Call Of Duty is a game filled with carnage.
  7. Most mammals are carnivorous.
  8. You can meet a person incarnate.
  9. Interns can be an example of intercede person.
  10. A place of precedent to me is UCSF.
  11. A synopsis or summary is a recapitulation.
  12. When I become reincarnated I want to be an animal cause I don't need to worry about anything.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Literature Analysis #1-Billy Budd

1)The story of Billy Budd. A sailor who is falsely accused of attempting to create a mutiny aboard an English warship.The story is mostly in the form of exposition.The rising action begins when Billy spills his soup in front of Claggart, and his meeting with the after-guardsmens, leading Billy and Claggart to open conflict. The climax is when Billy accidentally kills Claggart after being falsely accused of mutiny.the falling action is when Captain Vere wants a trail for Billy,and tries to pressure the jury to vote Billy guilty and condemn him.
2)The theme of the novel is the people who are innocent are also vulnerable. Billy is not guilty of mutiny because he did not mean to kill Claggart.
3)I chose this book because my grandpa had read it when he was younger and he told me what it was about it that appealed to me. The book came to attention to me through my grandpa and i heard the word mutiny and thought the book was about like gory war. The book seemed like it was going to explain how the mutiny happened.
4) I didn't find the book realistic to me because it is pretty old.I made a connection with billy, I am usually an innocent person to I try not to be trouble.
5)The author's tone is somber his sentences are long."With no perceptible trace of the vainglorious about him, rather with the offhand unaffectedness of natural regality, he seemed to accept the spontaneous homage of his shipmates."(291) "Noting this uncomplaining acquiescence, all but cheerful, on might say, the shipmaster turned a surprised glance of silent reproach at the sailor."(293) "At all events, of these thousands of mutineers were some of the tars who not so very long afterwards- whether wholly prompted thereto by patriotism, or pugnacious instinct, or by both-helped to win a coronet for Nelson at the Nile, and the naval crowns of crowns for him at Trafalgar." (305)
6) 1. Symbol-ships: Since the story is about a sailor ships are automatically thought about. 2.Motif-animal imagery:the author often refers to the sailors as animals"Saint Bernard"(301) 3.Symbolism-Christ figure; Billy is compared to Christ in forgiveness "God bless Captain Vere." (375) 4.Allusion-Billy is also compared to Adam "Of self-consciousness he seemed to have little or none, or about as much as we may reasonably impute to a dog of Saint Bernard's breed." (301) 5.Allusion- Adam and Billy are compared to again; "Man's of Fall" (301) 6.Simile "Though our Handsome sailor had as much of masculine beauty one can expect anywhere to see; nevertheless, like the beautiful women in one of Hawthorne's minor tales.." (302) 7. Personification " Bellipotent that ship was on her way..." (302) 8. Allusion- "To the British Empire the Nore mutiny..." (303) 9. Allusion- "Great Mutiny" (304)- book written by Christopher Hibbert. 10. Allusion-historical event "Trafalgar Nelson." (307)

1)Billy Budd- narrator says he is the handsome sailor ,Claggart- it says he is the master-at-arms,Billy- Claggart says billy is sweet and pleasant implying he causes no harm,Claggart- it is implied Claggart is rude because he makes a snide remark seeing Billy's spilled soup.
2)The author's diction does change, when he quotes the sailor's he uses slang and when he isn't he is using educated language.
3)The protagonist of the story,Billy Budd, is static because he stays the way he is throughout the story.
4)After reading this book I did not come away feeling like I'd met a person or character.

Enduring Memory 
The one idea from this book I expect to remember for a long tome is good vs. evil. Good vs. evil is a recurring theme in books and life. We can never escape it. Just like in religion there is good gods and then there is a devil. Take the yin-yang symbol the good is in the bad and the bad is in the good. An excerpt from the novel that show this:"'Handsomely done, my lad! And Handsome is as handsome did it,too!' And with that passed on. Not noted by Billy as not coming within his view was the involuntary smile, or rather grimace, that accompanied Claggart's equivocal word."

Friday, September 19, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it) (hear)
  2. avi (bird)
  3. bell(i) (war)
  4. ben(e) (good,well)
Word List
  1. antebellum-before the war, typically of how things were before any war.
  2. audit-to check or examine a company's financial records.
  3. auditory-related to the sense of hearing
  4. avian-characteristic of or pertaining to birds
  5. aviary-an elaborate structure for housing birds
  6. avionics-the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, space flight
  7. bellicose-eager to fight or quarrel; hostile
  8. belligerency-a hostile action
  9. benefactor-a person who gives another (financial) help
  10. beneficiary-one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy
  11. benign-not malignant; gracious and kindly: good-natured
  12. inaudible-unable to be heard
  1. I don't think any one has every been born during a time of antebellum.
  2. People can get their house audited.
  3. I'm more of an auditory learner.
  4. The word avian retains to birds.
  5. I have never made an aviary structure. 
  6. Avionics is technically rocket science.
  7. I feel like I might start to get a little bellicose when people anger me.
  8. I would never do an act of belligerency unless I had to.
  9. I wish I knew a benefactor.
  10. My parents probably get beneficiaries.
  11. Little kids are usually benign.
  12. Sometimes I feel like i am inaudible.

Cupid & Psyche

Cupid and Psyche

Main Characters:
Cupid:Tall,blonde,handsome,(god),sometimes nice,but sometimes mean
Psyche:Beautiful,(human),sweet,but naive

Cupid's house-luxurious palace; made of gold silver and ivory,beautifully maintained gardens, crystal-clear fountains,has twenty-four hour gourmet kitchen and invisible servants to cater your every need.

Main Plot:
The main plot of this myth was to have psyche fall in love with some grubby redneck by cupid using an arrow, so that Aphrodite will remain the most beautiful women.

Main Conflict:
Cupid falls in love with psyche because he accidentally shot himself with one of his arrows.

Attempt to Explain:
This story attempts to explain the human flaw of jealousy and being vain.
Aphrodite is jealous of psyche because everyone on earth is saying she is prettier than Aphrodite.
Aphrodite is vain because she is self-centered for wanting to to remain the prettiest woman ever.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Journal #7

Given what I know and learned about mythology, and how it reflects the culture/values of its time, I nominate Wall Street.This will be remembered as an emblem of this culture in two thousand years for two reason; money and greediness. People think money is the key to many things but it isn't. Money doesn't buy happiness.Just because you are rich does not mean you are any better than any one else in the world.If you have money you shouldn't put anyone down either.The greediness relates to people who only care about themselves.A little while ago, my mom took my grandpa to Social Services in San Luis. There was an elderly lady my mom said she lived in her car. She went into the building and asked a lady for tape because her shoe was ripped at the top and wouldn't close. The lady behind the window said 3 times "What do you want me to do? I'm over here and you're over there." This old lady's feet were to swollen for her shoes. Eventually, she got her tape and my grandpa and another man helped her.Human kindness can make someone's day.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni
  2. aqua, aque
  3. arm
  4. art
Word List
  1. aqua
  2. aquaculture
  3. aqueous
  4. armada
  5. armature
  6. armistice
  7. artifact
  8. artifice
  9. artisan
  10. millennium
  11. perennial
  12. superannuated
  1. I like the color aqua out of the may blues out there.
  2. Would rice be a plant to use for aquaculture.
  3. The Grand Canyon was formed in an aqueous way.
  4. Armadas are formed with Marine and Navy ships.
  5. For a boxer glove could be armature.
  6. I think we need to make an armistice with other countries to stop ISIS militants.
  7. Can things from old movie or TV sets be considered an artifact?
  8. Magicians are more like artifices if you think about it.
  9. The workers at Subway are called sandwich artisans.
  10. Many people from the new millennium generation, are clueless and rude.
  11. I have never heard of the word perennial.
  12. I can't come up with a sentence for superannuated.