Thursday, November 13, 2014

Latin Roots #6

Roots and Derivatives

  1. corp(or)-body
  2. cred- to believe, to trust
  3. cur(r) cure, course-to run, to flow
  4. dic(t)- to speak, to say

  1. Benediction- the invocation of a divine blessing
  2. Concourse- running or flowing together
  3. Concurrent-occurring at the same time
  4. Corporal-related to the physical body
  5. Corpulent- very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  6. Credibility-the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  7. Credulity-the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof
  8. Cursory-done in a superficial or hasty manner
  9. Dictum-an authoritative saying or maxim
  10. Incorporate- to form into one body or functioning unit
  11. Incredulous- not believing,skeptical, or doubting
  12. Indicative-suggestive

  1. Some funerals might have benedictions.
  2. Crowds rarely are concourse.
  3. At the concurrent time of writing this everyone else in my house is eating dinner.
  4. I would highly despise getting a corporal punishment.
  5. I feel like I am corpulent.
  6. Some news stations do not have credibility.
  7. I can't think of a creative sentence for credulity.
  8. When i for get to do something right before i fall asleep I get it done cursorily.
  9. I don't recall knowing of any dictums.
  10. I would like to incorporate breaks into my time doing homework but i get to stressed to.
  11. I'm incredulous to global warming.
  12. When people say just kidding after something they are kinda of indicative.

Literature Analysis #2

My response to The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    The Great Gatsby is a story about a secretive millionaire,Jay Gatsby, told through his neighbor Nick Carraway. This story starts when nick is invited to one of Gatsby's extravagant parties and meets Jay himself and learned they were in the same battalion during the war. The rising action happens when Gatsby asks Nick to invite his cousin, Daisy, over to his house but to come without her husband. Later we find out that Gatsby and Daisy used to be a thing before the war, and Gatsby wanted to pick things up where they left off. We also learn Daisy's husband has a mistress. The climax is when Nick,Daisy,Gatsby,Daisy's Husband, and Nick's girlfriend go to town on a really hot day and go to a hotel suite in attempts to cool down. Gatsby goes after Tom,Daisy's husband, saying she never loved him that she always loved Gatsby, and Tom tries to expose Gatsby saying his life is a lie and he just wants to impress people.After the hotel argument, Daisy and Gatsby go to her house, but Daisy accidentally runs over Tom's mistress. The resolution is that Daisy and Tom move to the East away from Long Island and Gatsby is killed by the mistress' husband.

     The main theme of the novel is money doesn't buy happiness. Gatsby throws many extravagant   parties, but rarely attends them. Even being extremely rich doesn't make him happy. All Gatsby wants is a women to love and to love him back.This is why he wanted Daisy.

     The protagonist of the story is Jay Gatsby.Gatsby is a dynamic character, he stays calm,cool,and collective. Once he sees Daisy after five years he is like a nervous wreck.The other major character of the novel is Nick Carraway. He is important because he is the one telling the story.

     One significant symbol is the green light on the end of Daisy's dock. This symbol represents Gatsby journey to get Daisy, She was so far away but now she is with him.It also represents Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future. About the characters, it reveals Gatsby has a burning passion for Daisy he wants he, for the longest time she was just out of reach but now he can see her clearly, just like the light.

     I chose this book, because I knew my brother had read it and he thought it was good. I also chose The Great Gatsby because I know there is a newer movie adaption and I like reading a book before the movie. The book also came to my attention because I asked my brother to help me find a book. I kept wanting to read the book because Gatsby was introduced and then I knew things were going to unravel and get good.

     Since one possible theme is money vs. happiness that can apply to famous people's lives. You think money makes you happy, it doesn't. The rich buy things they do't need, not happy. What do they do? Use drugs, still not happy.Once they get better, they are never happy, fame and fortune come with a price. Money changes people, mostly for the worse.

     One idea from the book I except to remember for a long time is the ideal of reserving judgment. Sometimes judging something to quick can cause trouble.Judging can also cause someone to have a bad rep, when reality is they're a nice person. A passage that helps is this, "In consequence I'm inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because i was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men" (19)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Greek Drama Questoins

1) A bull or goat was won for dancing choruses of worshipers
2)In the open-air theater of  Dionysus,a modern day equivalent of spectators would be New York City's  Broadway theaters.
3)The mask of affected voices of the actors by projecting their voice.
4)Antigone was suspense to the audience because their knowledge of things the characters on stage did not know.
5)The shepard is to leave the infant on the mountainside with his ankles pinned together. 
6)The riddle the sphinx gave to Oedipus was "What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
7)Oedipus' kids are: Polyneices and Eteocles his sons and his daughters Antigone and Ismene. 
8)After Oedipus is exiled, Creon his brother-in-law takes over Thebes
9)To Eteocles body, his Family buried with hero's honor and Polynecies' was left to rot outside the gates of Thebes.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Antigone Quick Write

Antigone quick write
            Both my brothers died. My parents went crazy and I only have my sister. My uncle has only let one of my brothers be rightful buried and my favorite to rot and be left “to the dogs”. I plan to do many things. First I will bury my favorite brother, get my sister to follow, and run away to start a new life.
            I would bury my favorite brother because my other one started the fight and it is not fair he was honored and my other brother is left to rot. I don’t care what my uncle says I will stand up for what I believe is right and I won’t back down. My favorite brother did not shame the family by fighting but my other did because he chose to start a fight. At night, I will sneak away grab a shovel, get wheelbarrow, put my brother in it, and find a rightful place to bury him. I would not care what people think about me like it or not people most people who and are innocent should be buried with honor.
            My sister would need to help me and she should be on my side. I would tell her she has nothing to fear because she should not be fearful of uncle because he doesn’t control our lives. We have to band together because we are all we have left in the matter of immediate family and that is way more important than extended family. My sister should follow because I’m pretty sure she feels bad for the way our other brother was dealt with if she does not follow I will be done with her and never want to be associated with her ever again. She will follow me though because she will know I’m correct and it is the right thing to do and will not stand by and let me do this alone because we are sisters.
            The last thing I would do is run away from town and start a new life. Its not that I’m scared of what will happen to me it is the fact that my other brother deservers a burial and I don’t need to die because of what I believe. I just want a new life because I don’t want to live by my uncle’s rules because it will be unjust and I will have my sister go with me so she won’t have to be punished because she does not deserve it .Leaving will be better because I can be free and not worry about being wrongfully punished my brother’s soul need to be at peace without a proper burial he soul is stuck to roam the earth for eternity. Starting a new life will be the best decision I can make because no one will know my past and where I come from.

            In final I would bury my favorite brother, have my sister assist me, and run away to start a new life. I want my brother’s soul to be at rest and not roaming the earth forever. My sister would need to follow me so we can do what is right and he assistance will be appreciated. A new life is ideal so I will not be punished for what I believe and what god probably knows what is right. What is right is right people should not be punished to bury an innocent person and that person deserves to be honored with a burial