Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

1a) The seminar was meant to be informative and persuasive.
1b) Jonathan Safran Foer
1c) Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
1d) Date accessed: October 28, 2014
1e) We were in a live web session thing with the author of Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer, he was answering question about his book and other things related to his book. Basically he wasn't trying to turn people vegetarian and or vegan but he was talking about the way animals were treated.
1f) A stand out moment to me is when Foer explained why he doesn't eat meat. Foer doesn't believe in eating meat because of the way they are treated in the factory farms. He also said he felt uncomfortable with eating something that had to be killed. Believes killing animals doesn't need to happened. I chose this because it was kinda interesting about factory farms.
 Fii) Another moment when I was engaged, is he was asked is it easy or hard to go along time with out eating meat and how do you do it.Mr. Foer says begin vegetarian is almost like a sex change, once you go back you can never go back. If you don't think about it its easier to be vegetarian. The sex change is the part where i started to listen more.
 Fiii) A question that our class asked Jonathan Foer peaked my interest it was about the price of food I believe. He said that meat is more affordable when it is not organic and I know because that's true. He also explains that people don't take the time to actually make food or even sit together at the table anymore so they don't care what they eat. I could see what he means because it was true.

2)This presentation could relate to my life, because it can give me a little insight on people who choose to lead a vegetarian lifestyle.I know that this webinar was supposed to be persuasive but this did not change my mind about my eating habits. This session was not as informative as i thought it would be.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives

  1. cent(i)-hundred
  2. cid(e)-cut, kill
  3. clam, claim-cry out, declare
  4. cord, cour-heart
Word List
  1. bicentennial-(related to) a celebration of a two hundredth anniversary.
  2. centenarian-a person who has lived to be one hundred years old.
  3. centurion-a Roman officer commanding one hundred men.
  4. clamorous-noisily complaining.
  5. concise-covering much in few words.
  6. concordance-a condition of harmony or agreement.
  7. cordial-warm and friendly.
  8. discordant-(sounding) harsh or inharmonious; clashing.
  9. genocide-extermination of an ethnic group.
  10. incisive--keenly penetrating; cutting into.
  11. proclamation-an official statement or announcement that informs or honors.
  12. reclaim--to claim again.

  1. Many towns have bicentennials.
  2. My great-grandma was almost a centenarian.
  3. Julius Caesar was a famous centurion.
  4. Clamorous conversations can turn into heated arguments.
  5. An auctioneer would be a bad person to concise an important event.
  6. Some people wish concordance with family members.
  7. Wedding invitations sometimes say you are cordially invited as an introduction.
  8. Judge Judy is discordant and acts sassy.
  9. Hitler committed a terrible genocide.
  10. Frank Gore is incisive when trying to run down the field to get a first down.
  11. Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.
  12. For the first three seasons of Avatar, Zuko always said he needed to reclaim his honor.