Saturday, December 13, 2014

Joy Luck Club Essay Response: Prompt #3

Jing-mei has succeeded in honoring her mother’s legacy. She also fulfills her mother’s legacy in the process of honoring it. Jing took Suyuan’s place in the “joy luck club” smeeting in her seat. By finding her long-lost twin sisters. As well as telling her sister’s about their mom’s life
Jing-mei mom had died and her seat was empty in the club of her mother’s friends. At first, she didn’t want to but her dad had told her too and she does so. She does not believe she can because a friend once told her she was like her mom. When Jing told her this she though it was an insult and states “You don’t even know little percent of me! How can you be me?” (27). Her “aunties” don’t care if Jing is like her mom or not, but it is still like her mom is there.
The whole reason that Jing took her mother’s place at the table, is her aunt’s told her that she needs to find her sisters in China. Her mom found her sisters through letters but Jing must find them in person to fulfill her mom’s “long-cherished wish”. In Chinese that is the meaning of the Suyuan’s name. Jing goes to China with her father but also takes a connection flight to the city her sisters live in. When she gets off the plane , her sister’s she her and all hug each other.
The last part in fulfilling her mother’s legacy is for Jing to tell her sisters abut their mother’s life. The book does not say if Jing did this. I’m more than sure she has done just that. She has fulfilled her mother’s legacy. They all know that their mother had a long and hard journey to try and restore her family, and Jing has accomplished that.
In conclusion Jing had fulfilled and has honored her mother’s legacy. She took her empty seat at the joy luck club meeting. Jing-mei went to China and reunited with her long-lost sisters. Lastly, she told Suyuan’s legacy to her sisters. Jing-mei has finally accomplished her mom’s name sake, long- cherished wish.

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