Friday, September 19, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it) (hear)
  2. avi (bird)
  3. bell(i) (war)
  4. ben(e) (good,well)
Word List
  1. antebellum-before the war, typically of how things were before any war.
  2. audit-to check or examine a company's financial records.
  3. auditory-related to the sense of hearing
  4. avian-characteristic of or pertaining to birds
  5. aviary-an elaborate structure for housing birds
  6. avionics-the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, space flight
  7. bellicose-eager to fight or quarrel; hostile
  8. belligerency-a hostile action
  9. benefactor-a person who gives another (financial) help
  10. beneficiary-one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy
  11. benign-not malignant; gracious and kindly: good-natured
  12. inaudible-unable to be heard
  1. I don't think any one has every been born during a time of antebellum.
  2. People can get their house audited.
  3. I'm more of an auditory learner.
  4. The word avian retains to birds.
  5. I have never made an aviary structure. 
  6. Avionics is technically rocket science.
  7. I feel like I might start to get a little bellicose when people anger me.
  8. I would never do an act of belligerency unless I had to.
  9. I wish I knew a benefactor.
  10. My parents probably get beneficiaries.
  11. Little kids are usually benign.
  12. Sometimes I feel like i am inaudible.

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