Thursday, November 13, 2014

Latin Roots #6

Roots and Derivatives

  1. corp(or)-body
  2. cred- to believe, to trust
  3. cur(r) cure, course-to run, to flow
  4. dic(t)- to speak, to say

  1. Benediction- the invocation of a divine blessing
  2. Concourse- running or flowing together
  3. Concurrent-occurring at the same time
  4. Corporal-related to the physical body
  5. Corpulent- very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  6. Credibility-the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  7. Credulity-the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof
  8. Cursory-done in a superficial or hasty manner
  9. Dictum-an authoritative saying or maxim
  10. Incorporate- to form into one body or functioning unit
  11. Incredulous- not believing,skeptical, or doubting
  12. Indicative-suggestive

  1. Some funerals might have benedictions.
  2. Crowds rarely are concourse.
  3. At the concurrent time of writing this everyone else in my house is eating dinner.
  4. I would highly despise getting a corporal punishment.
  5. I feel like I am corpulent.
  6. Some news stations do not have credibility.
  7. I can't think of a creative sentence for credulity.
  8. When i for get to do something right before i fall asleep I get it done cursorily.
  9. I don't recall knowing of any dictums.
  10. I would like to incorporate breaks into my time doing homework but i get to stressed to.
  11. I'm incredulous to global warming.
  12. When people say just kidding after something they are kinda of indicative.

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